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The current situation in the country has exacerbated conflicts in many Russian families. People, having seen and heard enough news feeds, simply rush with a cavalry charge to convince each other that they are right. Quarrels and splits in families, in my opinion, are partly a consequence and influence of propaganda. Long-term, systematic and systematic influence of propaganda is comparable in result to falling into a sect. Unfortunately, we tend to underestimate this impact. We think that we are intelligent, conscious people and can easily distinguish truth from untruth. But, unfortunately, in a situation with propaganda, this is difficult to do. The propaganda “machine” works according to serious, well-established strict laws: knowledge of the psyche, or rather, how it works, the ability to influence it and keep it in the right tone through the information presented. Propaganda is carried out by professionally trained and savvy people. It is extremely difficult for an ordinary person to resist this onslaught. There are simply no resources for this. In essence, a person simply becomes defenseless against an information attack. It is especially difficult for people 60+ who have spent a lot of time in the presence of one or two sources of information, and this information has never been questioned. This generation generally does not have the skills of critical thinking, analysis, or the ability to compare sources. Young people, in turn, are bombarded with information from other sources. It is very difficult and painful when a loved one repeats the same thing, broadcasts template phrases, declares the same the same texts heard in the media. At the same time, one feels anger, resentment and lack of understanding. Today's events have greatly aggravated the split between generations, between differences of opinion. The very events that are happening now go far beyond the limits when one can not talk, hush up, or not notice. In other words, the situation is morally significant for everyone and, of course, the feelings of all participants in the discussion are affected. And this is not a question of difference of views, for example on the work of Nikolai Baskov or Alla Pugacheva, when you can joke with each other and calm down and go your separate ways. No. The intensity and degree of passions is such that it seems that a serial killer is at the center of the discussion. What to do, being in the epicenter of this struggle, into which propaganda has drawn most people? Don't argue. The person with whom you argue, and he, in turn, argues with you, becomes even more affirmed in his own position. Neither side is going to concede in such a situation. Everyone becomes even more fused with their point of view. Truth is not born in a dispute. Don’t look for counterarguments and facts. Remember, not only you, but also your opponent is armed with arguments. I remind you once again that the authors of the arguments are professionals who prepared them in a certain way, processed them and clearly formulated them. Yes, so clearly that, as a rule, they are ingrained in the consciousness as a well-formulated and complete picture. So don't add fuel to the fire. It is extremely difficult to extinguish this fire of hatred. And even more so, one cannot come to the truth through accusations. Having heard accusations against oneself, a response arises - also accusatory. And the aggression has already begun. It is very difficult in response to accusations to begin to gain understanding towards your opponent. Do not start a conversation on a painful topic in a state of war. It is very important to remember what unites you: common family ties, common interests, friendship, that is, find common points of contact that mutually enrich you. And slowly move in this conversation towards what you have in common on this issue, for example, “peace is better than war” or “it’s true that it’s better to talk first and then start shooting,” and so on. Fix on commonality and STOP. Be attentive to your state, as soon as you feel that you are starting to get wound up, irritated and angry - stop there. Or switch the conversation to another more peaceful topic. Everything passes and, of course, any special or not so special operation will pass, but offensive words will remain in the memory.