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Many of you have repeatedly heard about the “Balance Wheel” and almost everyone considers it a very simple tool, like drawing lines, connecting them and voila!! Sometimes it feels like this technique is taught to every business trainer and coach, but almost no one is told about it than its essence. Further, the association is as follows: If the wheel is uneven, then it will not ride correctly and unnecessary skills will begin to be pumped up, as long as the wheel is smoother. As a result, a person begins to work on something that simply eats up his energy and time. Further, this only aggravates the problem and the client gets the opposite effect from the desired one. In my practice, I often encountered negativity as soon as it came to the “balance wheel” because people already had unpleasant experiences with this technique and, of course, they were unable to bring it up in an even circle. This happens because a person tries to cover all areas at once and thus loses focus on the main thing, which led him to consultation. I do not deny the fact that many areas of our thoughts closely intersect with each other and often we can find answers in the most unexpected nooks and crannies of our psyche, but this does not mean that you need to develop all areas at the same time and keep the focus on this “evenness.” In fact, after you have connected the lines, you need to ask the person: “Which skill do you think you wanted would like to improve/upgrade." There is no need to make it round; each of us will have a bias towards what is interesting and necessary right now. For example, if at the moment you have a financial drawdown and this does not allow you to sleep peacefully at night, then there is no point in adding relationships and sports to your focus, because it turns out to be a cancer swan and a pike, each of which has a direction vector. More In my experience, there are areas that are simply uninteresting to a person, but many undercoaches try to improve even these areas, just to make it smoother. In the case of working with the psyche, you don’t need an even wheel, but one that is right for you at a given moment in time.