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From the author: Various traumatic experiences and their impact on personality development and family relationships in general are considered. Conflicts in the family can create a traumatic environment for spouses, their children, and parents, as a result of which they acquire a number of negative personality traits. In a conflict-ridden family, negative communication experiences are consolidated; faith in the possibility of the existence of friendly and tender relationships between people is lost, negative emotions accumulate, and mental trauma appears. Mental trauma often manifests itself in the form of experiences that, due to their severity, duration, and repetition, have a strong impact on the individual. The main psychotraumatic experiences are distinguished: - a state of complete family dissatisfaction; - “family anxiety”; - neuropsychic tension; - a state of guilt. Let us consider them in more detail: The state of complete family dissatisfaction arises as a result of conflict situations in which a noticeable discrepancy between the individual’s expectations for attitude towards the family and its real life. It is expressed in boredom, colorlessness of life, lack of joy, nostalgic memories of the time before marriage, complaints to others about the difficulties of family life. Accumulating from conflict to conflict, such dissatisfaction is expressed in emotional outbursts and hysterics. Family anxiety often manifests itself after a major family conflict. Signs of anxiety are doubts, fears, concerns, primarily regarding the actions of other family members. Neuropsychic stress is one of the main traumatic experiences. It arises as a result of: * creating situations of constant psychological pressure for the spouse, a difficult or even hopeless situation; * creating obstacles for the spouse to express important feelings and satisfaction of needs; * creating a situation of internal conflict in the spouse; Manifests in irritability, bad mood, sleep disturbances, attacks of rage. The state of guilt depends on the personality characteristics of the spouse. A person feels like a hindrance to those around him, the culprit of any conflict, quarrels, failures, and tends to perceive the attitude of other family members towards him as accusing, reproachful, despite the fact that in reality they are not. Conflicts in the family create a traumatic environment for everyone its members, negative emotions accumulate, mental traumas appear, which negatively affect the further development of the child’s personality, and his attitudes and values ​​on family life as a whole. Of course, all these conditions have different degrees of severity for a person, and affect him differently , but all of them are very harmful and dangerous to health and leave a mark on the soul of every family member, and often manifest themselves in the form of various nervous, mental, psychological and other types of diseases.