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From the author: psychotherapy for fears of children and adults, sports Living through a terrible situation with an adult (for the most adult) My new Internet course For sports psychologists and coaches! A set of techniques. rules exercises, methodological guidance for sports psychologists to achieve Success by prize-winning athletes! look here For any fears, you can use this exercise to develop the skill of mastering your fears and, thereby, increasing your confidence. Remembering that the will develops only under the condition of overcoming obstacles that automatically cause fear, we can change our attitude towards the obstacle - instead of failure . perceiving obstacles. as a condition for the development of volitional processes. And the weaker the will, the greater the need to “do nothing” - it’s safer (out of habit). And, the stronger the will, the more persistently we overcome difficulties1 It is also necessary to remember that! "when it seems that the whole World is against us!" when it seems that there is no chance left to fulfill the Dream" - REMEMBER - just one more step! and you will win! Just one step! Because after the rain there is always the Sun! The whole world is cyclical! Therefore - go! overcome! dare! towards TO YOUR OWN FEARS! Instructions for implementation: performed gradually, with a delay to form a positive skill - instead of feeling fear, feel confidence and even courage! For example, with a candle, examine the room where the baby is sleeping or you yourself are sleeping, or approach the object of fear (a boss, a bully - for child, etc.). It is important to do something yourself (with an adult) that you don’t dare to do......for example, an athlete loses with his dad in the guise of his opponent in competitions (dad is an opponent, temporarily) - losing , fear is destroyed in the future). Before playing, ask the child or yourself “where does my fear live in the body? - rate the fear itself in points (from 0 to 10) how do I feel it in myself?" Then, taking dad by the hands, say: "Dad, you are temporarily not my dad, you are now my opponent." Then, after losing - look at your fear - whether it has become smaller and by how much (in points). Remove the “opponent role” from dad, taking him by the hands and saying “dad, you are not my opponent, you are my dad again (we say approximately.” according to the meaning) for example, step by step on the 1st day to approach the dog slightly, on the 2nd - to come even closer, on the 3rd - to pet the adult, on the 4th - to the child himself in the presence of an adult. It is clear that you should approach the family! , tested for non-aggression, this is one of the most difficult cases in simpler situations - we do exactly what we are afraid to do - ask, say back... next time, come up and pet the child... - step by step, not immediately (not always and not with everyone it will work out at once - everything is individual) each time ask the child (yourself) where his fear lives (your fear). For example, in the case of a fear of the dark - under the bed or in a corner. In this case, for example, fear of the dark - we do the following: go up to this corner in a dark room with a candle, look under the bed and ask what he sees there. The child himself must say that he did not see anything there, then blow out the candle, warning the child about this. then light the candle, then ask the child to blow out the candle and leave the room together, then ask the child to come in alone with the door open... and so on until the child will be able to freely do without light and an adult; this can be done not in one day, but gradually, gradually. IMPORTANT: do not rush, encourage the child, support and praise! treat the child as a Person: with respect, trust, faith in him. The tasks of working with fear are to determine the object of fear itself: who it is, what it is, why we are afraid, what we are afraid to tell about a terrible object - person - object, then determine the fear in yourself - where it is in the body (of a child, an adult - if an adult is afraid) - usually children have fear felt in the stomach, and higher in adults. Keep in mind,17"