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There are high rates of depression and anxiety in today’s generation. At the same time, the increase in anxiety levels among girls is much higher than among boys. The number of hospitalizations due to suicide attempts is also increasing, and the number of suicides is increasing. What is the reason for such a surge in mental illness and suicide? Scientific research cited in "The coddling of the American mind" indicates that the proliferation of smartphones and social media in the lives of teenagers since 2007 is a major cause of the population's mental health crisis. Girls may suffer more than young men. because they are more negatively affected by various social comparisons. The use of filters on Snapchat and Instagram* has long been the norm and creates the illusion that everyone in real life looks as perfect as they do on social networks, which only makes girls more insecure about themselves and their abilities. This has led to the following phenomenon: young women now want, through cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery, to look the same as in their enhanced photographs. Using smartphones, watching TV, surfing social networks are highly correlated with depression and other health-related consequences. with a level of suicidal risk. On the other hand, there is a list of activities that have an inverse relationship with depression: sports, learning new hobbies, reading books, social interaction and doing household chores. Notice any differences between these two lists? Screen vs non-screen. When children use screens for more than two hours of leisure time per day or less, the risk of depression does not increase. But beyond two hours a day, the risks increase with every additional hour spent on social media. This may be due to the fact that devices are distancing us from the social world. Humans are an "ultra-social" species, they love teams, team sports, synchronized movements and everything else that gives us the feeling of "one for all and all for one." Social media is not the same as face-to-face interaction. They don't satisfy the basic need to belong in exactly the same way. It is worth remembering that the human nervous system has evolved in conditions of close, mostly continuous, face-to-face contact with other people, and that reducing key elements of the system can lead to destabilization. This idea is supported by the finding that time spent using Smartphones are usually not dangerous for very sociable children—those who spend a lot of time in face-to-face social interaction. In other words, the potentially negative impact of screens and social media may correlate with the amount of time teens spend with others.* Instagram is owned by Meta, a company designated as an extremist organization in Russia..