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From the author: Psychotherapy is treatment without pills and prevention of diseases that develop in a person due to the accumulation of difficult-to-experience emotions. Don't do it alone! Turn to specialists for “soul therapy” (as psychotherapy is translated). From the bottom of my heart to you, Irina Malyutina. Psychotherapy for happiness, youth and love My mother is well over 80, her memory and hearing have weakened, but her curiosity and interest in life still do not change her. Once she asked me for a book from which she could understand why people come to me for individual consultations. I gave this book to her. She read, asked questions about unfamiliar words and things. She very much regretted that during her youth (and her maturity too) no one provided such help to people: “How many families could be saved!” she lamented, meaning, of course, her own. She did not marry a second time, although and there were worthy fans. Now she understands that fears were an obstacle in arranging her personal life: “who needs other people’s children,” “all men are the same.” Psychotherapy? I'm on the road a lot. From here - new acquaintances, conversations, revelations... And I discovered this: most people believe that a psychotherapist is a person with whom they talk about personal problems and who, for money, gives advice on “what to do?” and “how to do it?” Of course, this opinion has taken root due to the lack or distortion of information from open sources. For those who want to understand, I explain: “Psychotherapy opens up a new horizon of relationships.” What does it mean? You will learn to understand the body language of the people with whom you communicate, to speak rather than hush up your feelings, so you will no longer get stuck in internal dialogues with the offender, you will not worry about what they will say or think, because you will no longer want to fit in someone’s expectations. You will see the reverse side of Pride, Shame, Guilt, Jealousy, Fear and Envy, which become the cause of obviously failed relationships. What does “failed” mean? Not many of us are lucky enough to be born into a family of wise people, parents with whom we did not have to play the game called “Obedient Child” for fear of punishment or, even worse, deprivation of love. Therefore, most of us have learned to tell lies, suppressing our true feelings. And any of our violent negative reactions is nothing more than a projection of childhood experiences. It’s not hard to imagine how much this can interfere with successful self-realization or a successful marriage. Thanks to the new communication experience opened up by psychotherapy, you will get rid of negative childhood impressions and be able to improve the quality of your current relationships. How does this happen? We all wear clothes and know what we feel comfortable in , beautiful, and in some - uncomfortable. The more advanced among us also take into account the composition of the material and its environmental friendliness. And to what extent are the feelings that we carry within ourselves environmentally friendly, comfortable and practical for our hearts? Alas, most of us are wounded by strong parental “love”: some suffered from excessive control, authoritarianism, intimidation, coldness, others from physical violence, “harmless” spankings and a father’s belt. And all this - in the name of all-consuming love for us, children. What is the role of a psychologist-psychotherapist here? A specialist helps you understand dead-end behavior patterns. Re-live those feelings that are the root cause of many “adult” problems. Why? It is known that unfinished, not “finished” painful experiences take a lot of energy, therefore they are a serious obstacle in moving towards the desired future, creating a happy family. We continue to copy the negative experiences received in childhood as the only possible form of interaction, and so on - until this model is replaced by a more progressive one. Live, complete - and what next? And then experiment, try on, like clothes, different ways of communicating and expressing yourself, in a word - learn. Learn to feel and look at the world, things and.