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There is a direct relationship between the importance of the idea of ​​beauty for a woman and the possibility of infertility. If a woman has an important idea for her that she should always be beautiful, slim and fit, then this idea may conflict with the desire to have a child, and the woman herself may not realize this. We have so-called subconscious programs or attitudes according to which we live, often without realizing it. For example, as a child, a girl was present during a conversation between her mother and her friend about how their mutual friend had gained 30 kilograms during pregnancy and could not regain her weight, looked terrible, her husband no longer liked her, and he left for someone else. As a result, a program is embedded in the little girl’s subconscious: pregnancy means a sharp deterioration in appearance, and, as a result, the destruction of her personal life. Is this a familiar story? They also love to show it in films and describe it in books. Standard scenario: a woman gets pregnant, carries a child, gains weight, ceases to be interesting to her husband... And as a result, millions of women develop a program that combines two concepts: irretrievable loss of beauty and pregnancy. I recently had Irina at a consultation with whom we They revealed the fact that for her, pregnancy is clearly associated with the appearance of an extra 25 kilograms, since during her first pregnancy she gained exactly that extra weight. And when she decided to get pregnant for the second time 7 years later, pregnancy did not occur for two years. After that she came to me. 2 consultations were enough for us to identify and work out her negative programs, so that after 2 weeks Irina arrived unusually quiet and as if glowing from within. When I asked how she was doing, she began to smile and showed me the test, which had two obvious lines. Now Irina is already 14 weeks pregnant and she is happy. Such cases are not uncommon in my practice. During the “I Want a Child” training, we have this unusual exercise to practice the idealization of beauty in women suffering from infertility. I suggest doing it only if this problem is clearly present among the group members. The exercise consists of the training participants going with me to the nearest shopping center, where we all go together to stores for expectant mothers, where we try on clothes for pregnant women. I will not reveal all the secrets of this exercise, since the effect of surprise is important here, but very often the exercise allows you to remove all the idealizations of beauty associated with pregnancy at one time. For example, recently during the “I Want a Baby” training, training participant Marina was positively surprised by how she looked pregnant: she didn’t think that a pregnant woman could be so charming and attractive to men. Then Marina said that before, when passing by the mirror, she always tried to pull in her belly - after all, the belly is ugly, but after the training she realized that a pregnant belly is beautiful and sexy, as a result of which the negative program disappeared. While working with women, dreaming of becoming mothers, we work not only on the idealization of beauty: there are quite a lot of negative programs that prevent the desired pregnancy from occurring in different areas of life. Conception, pregnancy and childbirth are the times when we can only trust the flow of life, let go of our control and move into feminine energies . Such simple steps on the path to the desired child can be so difficult to implement in practice. The truth is always simple and transparent. At the training, I ask the participants a question: “Tell me, who do the children come to?” The answer lies on the surface, but I rarely hear it from women who come to the training - they live in their parallel reality of infertility, from which it can be difficult to escape. In the course of my work, everything changes: women suffering from infertility come to me, and they leave completely different - expectant mothers filled with the energy of motherhood. And life confirms them