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From the author: Daria Korableva, especially for Setting goals correctly concentrates attention and directs energy towards achieving them. By setting a clear goal for yourself, you will begin to notice ways of achieving it that you previously missed. Next, we will talk about the rules for setting goals, which will require you to be extremely honest with yourself, carefully study the material, and most importantly, strictly adhere to each point of the recommendations presented to your attention. So, since you are reading this article, it means that you have already made the decision to achieve success; the only thing that separates you from the final result is the correct and precise execution of all the instructions below. Rules for setting goals: 1. The goal must be written down on paper 3% of Harvard graduates recorded their goals on paper and ultimately had 97% of their total income 87% did not write down any goals, and their total income was 2% 10% recorded their goals on paper but did not work to achieve them, in the end they received only 1% of the total income. The example given is clear proof of how important it is to record goals on paper. This allows you to formulate them more accurately, completely and competently, and also to consolidate in your consciousness not abstract desires, but a completely clear and clear goal. By writing down a goal on paper, you will no longer forget it or lose sight of it, as often happens with abstract goals. The sheet with your goals should be placed in a visible place or in places where you often visit (kitchen table, computer, refrigerator, etc.). It is very important that you see this piece of paper every day, and your consciousness absorbs the desire to achieve what you want. In addition to everything, your subconscious mind also gets involved in the work to achieve what you want, and this is a great force, the power of which has not yet been fully studied. Secrets of using the power of the subconscious mind for We will reveal to you how to achieve your goals a little later, when we examine in detail the methods of achieving what you want. And now, this is important, right now take half an hour, take a piece of paper, sit at the table and write down everything that comes to your mind. Write down all the goals you would like to achieve, achievable and unattainable, it doesn’t matter. Just be completely honest with yourself. 2. The goal must be big and real You need to set big, but realistic goals for yourself. For example, if your monthly income is 20 thousand rubles, then set a goal to increase it to 70 thousand rubles. This goal will be both big and realistic at the same time. There is no need to plan that after a year your income will increase to a million euros per month, of course, if you do not have a worthwhile idea, connections and do not have the necessary skills. As a rule, achieving your goals has its own sequence. First, highlight what you really want and what you really need. Set goals in all areas of life: finances, career, health, relationships, etc. Describe them as clearly as possible. The illustrations brought to your attention clearly reflect the importance of setting big goals. The result you strive for directly depends on the scale of your goals. The figure shows that when you are faced with a problem larger in scale than your goal, then you lose vision of your goal, instead of completely focusing on it. All your strength is thrown into solving a problem. When you set a big goal for yourself, you prepare yourself in advance for possible problems that may arise along the way and, when they appear, they are not something more important than the goal you have set. However, there is also a nuance here - in no case set goals that you are not able to achieve. Set goals for yourself that will require from you a little more of the efforts that seem to you to be the maximum, so to speak, 120% of all your knowledge and skills. Let your mind tell you that this is unrealistic, do it right now. Just pick up a pencil and write down a big and realistic goal. 3. The goal must beexclusively yours. And now it’s worth mentioning one very important detail, without which all further actions will be ineffective. Each of us, even from childhood, dreams of becoming someone, having something and somehow living and developing in a special way. But, unfortunately, the system developed by society imposes its stereotypes on us and drives us into a framework, not giving free rein to our imagination, and most importantly, someone else’s opinion is imposed on us, and, accordingly, someone else’s idea of ​​what is “desirable.” We all often notice this, but almost everyone pretends as if nothing is happening. From early childhood we are told: “You must achieve this...”, “You must do this...”, “You must become this...”. And finally, the moment comes when we must decide, either we do everything that society tells us and achieve the same results that the majority have achieved, or we search and find ourselves and do what we really like. If this is your choice hasn’t been done yet, or has been done, but you regret what you chose, then it’s time to change everything dramatically. Yes, yes, just take it and change it. If you really want to achieve success in the business that you like, then you will have to decide on it. Go towards your goal without looking back. And precisely to your goal, only to your own. You should understand that you are not obligated to waste your one and only life on achieving other people's goals. Set your own goal, which you may have dreamed of since your school days. Go towards the goal that you want to achieve more than anything else in the world. And only when you are filled with confidence that this is exactly what you want to live for, move on to studying the next point. 4. The goal must be specific First of all, the goal must be specific in time. When setting any goal, accurately determine the time frame for achieving it. Deadlines should be set as tight as possible so that you take daily actions that will bring you closer to your goal. This is a unique way to limit wasting time on unnecessary actions and focus on the things that are really necessary. Define a deadline down to a specific date. For example: “I will buy the car of my dreams before 04/01/2014”, etc. Here there is a moment of a kind of influence on the subconscious, by determining the exact time frame for achieving any goal, you give it the instruction to achieve what you want no later than the established deadline by all means. When writing down on paper the amount that you would like to have or earn, you should remember the following nuance. By indicating the words “more”, “above”, “from” before the amount, you give your brain a signal that this is the very minimum that you agree to and in the end the amount should be not a penny less. Using similar tricks with your subconscious, you you can achieve the desired result much faster. Family relationships, health and other areas of your life also need specifics. Decide what you would like to achieve, for example, by signing up for a fitness course and starting a morning run. Decide what kind of relationship you would like to have with your relatives, friends and acquaintances. So, having written down your goals, draw another column and write in it the exact time frame for achieving them. Don't put it off, do it right now. 5. The goal should depend “only on you” Now it’s worth talking about why most people never realize their goals, and how to avoid fatal mistakes that could prevent you from achieving what you want. Many people involve strangers in their goals, this is a terrible mistake! Those people also have their own goals and guidelines, and they will definitely not spend their lives on realizing yours. For example: “My subordinates conscientiously carry out the work assigned to them, for this I am promoted.” Of course, career growth is great. But this goal requires your and only your efforts, otherwise it will not be achieved. It would be more correct to formulate the goal this way: “I am engaged ina thorough study of the secrets of personnel management, and, introducing the knowledge I acquired into my department, I achieve a promotion.” Next, you should decide on the deadline and make a list of necessary actions that you will have to take. Now reconsider the goals you have formed and make appropriate amendments. 6. Formulation in the present tense Let us examine in more detail the topic of the subconscious, which we touched upon earlier. According to the results of numerous studies, scientists have proven that we perform only 2-4% of our actions consciously, and the remaining 96-98% unconsciously. Therefore, it is very important to teach your subconscious mind to do exactly what will help you achieve your goal. Scientists have also proven that our subconscious mind is capable of perceiving information only in the present time, so all goals should be formulated in such a way as if you have already achieved them. If you are interested in the structure of the subconscious and how to use it, we recommend that you read the book “The Answer” by John Assaraf and Murray Smith, which is available for download in our library. You probably noticed that in all examples the goals were formed in the present tense exclusively. This may seem unusual at first glance, and even cause some feeling of discomfort, but this is how your subconscious mind will begin to work in full force. The most effective method of influencing the subconscious is self-hypnosis; we will tell you about it in more detail in the following articles. In the meantime, remember the rule described above - all goals should be written exclusively in the present tense. 7. Use of positive vocabulary Scientists studying our subconscious have proven that it is not capable of perceiving the particle “not”, it concentrates on the action or result itself, and such details are not important to it. This feature of our brain’s functioning is very important to take into account when setting goals. The so-called positive vocabulary is designed to help you define and formulate your goals as correctly as possible. Many people sometimes see the problem in changing the wording of the goal using the particle “not” to a positive wording. Let's look at a couple of illustrative examples: “I’m not sick” is the wrong wording, “I’m healthy” is the right goal. “I don’t want to be poor” and “I will be rich” are two completely different things. Therefore, formulate a goal, expressing not what you would not like, but what you really want. See if you have made similar mistakes in your goal setting and correct them if necessary. 8. Goals should not contradict each other Let's consider another very important detail that many people miss when formulating a goal. Let's assume that you are a manager of a dynamically developing company and your goal is rapid advancement up the career ladder. You make every effort to ensure that your goal comes true, but you also want to devote as much time as possible to your family, with whom you have begun to see very rarely due to your busy work schedule. At this point, both of your goals come into a kind of conflict. What should you do in such a situation? The answer here is very simple, all you need is to set your priorities correctly, take a piece of paper, sit down at the table and determine what is decisive for you. After that, spend maximum of your efforts on achieving priority goals, and having already achieved them, move on to secondary ones. 9. Emotional coloring of the goal Our mind more easily perceives information that has a strong emotional coloring, and it does not matter whether the information is accompanied by positive or negative emotions. Agree, it is much easier to remember events associated with an emotional outburst than unremarkable routine events. Therefore, it is necessary to imagine achieving goals as emotionally as possible. Describe the goal with as many adjectives as possible that describe the feeling of delight that will wash over you the moment you achieve it. Close your eyes and mentally hold in your hands the desired.