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Author: Vitaly Pichugin Source: http://www.nlplife.ru/ Women more often than men insist on going to the registry office and concluding an official marriage. There are situations when men literally drag a young lady to the registry office. Whoever is situationally more advantageous is the one who drags. The deep and hidden motivation for insisting on official marriage is fear. Anyone who insists is afraid that the loved one is weakly attached, so the future is foggy. A stamp in a passport does not give any guarantees for a bright future, but I want to believe and hope in it. When hope dies, you know. Women are more fearful and calculating than men when it comes to relationships. Girls have been involved in relationships since childhood. In fairy tales, all the basic instructions are written down. After conquering the princess, one must live happily ever after, and to prevent the prince from leaving, modern storytellers (legislators) came up with the idea of ​​marriage. They are concluded in the registry office, after which the man’s face takes on a marriage look, as these faces are shown in wedding comedies. Most aphorisms and anecdotes present marriage as desirable for women and terrible for men. For example: As a child, I was absolutely sincerely confident that when I grew up, I would be the ruler of the galaxy. And they just hide me from the throne for the time being. And then I got married and found out that I was nobody... - Don’t you regret that you got married? - Why am I not a person or what?! I feel sorry for him, of course... - How smart I am that I persuaded you to marry me! - It’s not you who’s smart - it’s me who’s a fool! • It’s not surprising that after this, not all men are eager to register the relationship officially. But let's see, maybe there are advantages of official marriage, both for women and men. For women, the official status is important - wife. Girlfriends are jealous, you can always tell uninteresting men - I’m after my husband so that they don’t pester me. And the wedding ritual itself is very desirable from childhood. There is a feeling of reliability and security. It may be an illusion, but women don't always live in reality. Legal certainty is important. During a divorce, joint property is divided equally, the children have a father and his money in the form of alimony, and at birth there is a guarantee that the child is now his, so it will be written in the passport and birth certificate. This is also not always reality, as evidenced by the massive evasion of alimony payments for various reasons. Some guarantees of financing from the man. Marriage presupposes that the salary must be brought to whom? That's right - the wife, who is now the other half, this half also needs money. Here is the reasoning of an ordinary woman. In an official marriage, the relationship is serious, the man will not run away, but will be forced to solve problems. You can plan a future together. A ring on the finger, protection from “werewolves” at work, encroaching on family happiness. A common surname is necessary to comply with any formalities, for example, to travel to the United Arab Emirates. • Women's honesty and frankness. For a man, an official relationship is very beneficial if he is cheaper and the woman is more expensive. She looks better, has a higher social status, earns good money, is easy to communicate with, and has many fans. • Such women are immediately offered to the registry office. If he doesn’t offer, other men will take him away. This is a version of men's belief in the power of formal relationships. For other men, marriage is not held in such high esteem, since it is associated with loss of freedom, with name-calling - rejected. This belief that marriage is a prison is reinforced by girls who did not get a young man; single ones are valued higher in the marriage market than married ones. It's clear why. There is another option. An expensive man arranges his life around himself, decides which woman is worthy of being by his side. I’m ready to get married only when I’m sure that: • With this woman, at a minimum, his life will not get worse, but, at a maximum, it will get better. Also, the chosen one is worthy of investing your strength, love, energy, and money into her. With this understanding, official marriage has its own.