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Connection with mother is the main form of attachment in people. Direct bodily contact, eye contact, the sound of the mother's voice, the special smell of the mother, the taste of her milk, give the child confidence in the most important thing - that the mother is nearby. All essential and primary human feelings are based on attachment: fear, love, anger, sadness, guilt, shame. By interrupted movement we understand a dynamic whose origins should be sought in early childhood experiences experienced as danger. This experience is associated with a negative event in the personal biography, as a rule, with separation from the mother in early childhood (Franke, U. 2002). It happens that after the birth of the child, the mother, who was always in close emotional and physical contact with the newborn, for some reason -separation from the baby for reasons: study, the need to go to work, hospitalization of the mother or child separately, early placement of the child in a nursery. The child does not understand the separation, feels abandoned, helpless and cut off from familiar closeness and warmth. The child develops feelings of fear and panic, anger and rage, despair, powerlessness and apathy. The feelings are so strong, and the child is so small that he is not able to cope with them. And then the defense mechanisms “You are bad” “I don’t love you anymore” are activated. People with such a program have a constant conflict between intimacy and distance: on the one hand, they need love, want to love and be loved, but always keep their distance because traumatic experience in early childhoodPDL is a bodily 3-step therapy, according to the method of Irina Prekop, in the work the therapist shows the client the possibility of a reverse movement - a movement towards - and help him feel the experiences associated with the negative experience that the client complains about. Here it is important to reveal and transform the feelings that the client does not feel, which arise when meeting his mother and are explained by powerlessness: to feel pain instead of anger, grief instead of depression, helplessness instead of the desire to be distracted. The purpose of the method is to help recognize feelings of early separation, take a step towards meeting, and separate. The goal of the method is to bring about reconciliation with the parent within yourself. A good result of therapy is Acceptance of the mother (father) as she is. Contraindications - Pregnancy, tendency to withdraw from reality, panic attacks, inability to visualize. If we do not accept our parents, it means that we have not separated, have not separated. This means that we are not living our own life, we are living with pain. As a rule, after a new experience, old habits lose their attractiveness. If you have problems in relationships with your parents, ask for help. We will go deeper into your childhood, step by step through important moments from the past . We will see what we don’t see in ordinary life. You can sign up for my consultation by writing to me personally, using WhatsApp, Viber, Sms +7-921-304-17-34