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Jealousy is often considered as a sure sign of true love, which indicates that the partner is not indifferent. There is also an opinion that jealousy in light doses is good for relationships and can bring a fresh spirit into them... Perhaps, if it does not turn out to be a stream of gasoline, which a slight spark of jealousy will turn into a raging flame that destroys everything in its path. Jealousy, out of control, can destroy all the good things in a relationship with its toxicity. FreePikThe causes of jealousy can be divided into two groups: Biological: for a man, a woman’s fidelity guarantees that he will not raise offspring that are not his own and it is his genes that will go into the future; for a woman, a man’s fidelity guarantees that he values ​​her, she is valuable and important in for him, and he will not leave her and the children unprotected and will take care of the family. For these reasons, men react much more painfully to the fact of physical betrayal, and more often express their unwillingness to forgive her. While emotional fidelity is more important for a woman, therefore, having made sure that it was only a physical act and nothing more, they are ready to forgive their partner.2. Psychological: Low self-esteem This is the most fertile soil on which jealousy can grow to incredible proportions. Focusing on your shortcomings and giving them undue importance forces you to constantly compare yourself with others. And as a natural result, find those who are more beautiful, slimmer, younger, richer, etc. The jealous person is deprived of the opportunity to win in all cases, and, therefore, the terrible thoughts that the partner will leave sooner or later will never leave. The result of “good” parting words from parents It is known where the road is paved with good intentions. Parents, trying to protect their children, often give destructive parental instructions. More often, girls suffer from their consequences, who are told that “men cannot be trusted”, “everyone cheats”, “they think in one place”, “you must be like this, behave like this, otherwise they will leave you”, etc. The strength of these attitudes can be so great that in adulthood we find reasons for jealousy where there are none at all. Jealousy comes from childhood Jealousy often flares up between brothers or sisters because their parents show more love and attention to someone. When a more or less similar situation arises, childhood pain is activated and an adult already experiences this whole range of “pleasant” feelings, although there may be no objective reasons. Such jealousy extends not only to relationships in a couple, but also to all social contacts of a person.FreePikHow to cope with jealousy?1. Give yourself the opportunity to react and release tension. Jealousy contains aggression, which is designed to protect against loss, but this is often impossible to do, so it is held back, “stuck” in the body and begins to accumulate. The logical result is that the excess begins to break through by any means, for example, through emotional reactions that are inappropriate to the situation. Find a safe way for yourself and those around you to release all this “charge” from yourself, allowing your body to react the way it wants. 2. A frank conversation with your partner without claims or ultimatums. Silence creates fertile ground for speculation that hangs like a heavy burden on your shoulders, requiring verification. Share concerns with your partner. Talk about what makes you feel jealous and at what moments, and how you are trying to cope with it. Offer to find a solution together. If your partner cares about your relationship and you, then the chances that this will work out are very high. And as a bonus, it will make your relationship more emotionally close. 3. Stop playing detective. Suspicion knows no bounds. She can create “evidence” literally out of thin air, making her want to immediately begin an “investigation.” The danger of this is that in the case of groundless jealousy, the longer you fail to catch infidelity, the more you want to achieve it. Appears +7 966 876 2020