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How often do we have to lie?...Once a month or every day? Or maybe for someone several times a minute? What is a lie? Is this information false? Or someone else's truth? Is lying always bad? Why do we lie to those closest to us... or just to strangers on the street, neighbors or work colleagues? Time in big ways and in small things?... We try to realize ourselves through lies... or hide the wrong always pleasant facts... to justify oneself or to cover up for another person? Someone will say that without lies it is impossible (costs of life), and someone will proudly declare that they can do without lies (and these words will be obviously false)... EVERYONE LYES? Lies can be different: For example, arrogant and innocent, a lie for the greater good, a lie-gossip or a lie-sympathy, silence or a lie out of politeness... a lie-self-deception, etc. The only type of lie that is the most harmless, in my opinion, is a child’s lie ( because children often at a certain age do not know how to distinguish real events from imaginary ones). When we lie, we experience a certain set of emotions from guilt, shame, fear... to delight! Maybe lying is an addiction? The more you lie, the deeper it sucks us in, like a water funnel? What forces us to lie or without lies the world would turn upside down? Which is better with or without her? Is it really in order to cope with this harmful “lady” ( I'm talking about lies) do we need, for example, to test ourselves and others with a lie detector?! Or maybe we should just start with ourselves? Become honest with yourself? Tatyana Sorokoletova