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From the author: Holotropic breathing, holotropic breathing - the eternal “GAME” of terms. Someone will say that these are different METHODS and they will be RIGHT! It’s not a matter of Greek or Latin transcription at all... I propose a new level of Breathing Training. Once with a friend, in the kitchen in the evening after breathing, discussing the relationship between the HOLOTROP and HOLOTROPE, we decided to discard the Greco-Latin idle interpretations and came to the term “ COLOTROP." This was several years ago, and it was “in vain,” as they say, “idle chatter.” And now, after these years, having reviewed that dialogue many times, having “polished” the term itself and its MEANING in my mind, I have, as they say, “matured.” The “COLOTROP” project is a qualitative leap in the development of the method and techniques of deep breathing. The project includes THREE key ideas:1. Translated from the Initial Letter: KOLO - Sun, TROP - path. Kolotrop - “Sunny Path”, or “Path to the Sun” (in Bukvitsa, the roots of complex words are mutually rearranged). In our case, both options are acceptable. In cultural studies there are the concepts of “solar kingdom” and “lunar kingdom”. This concerns the value guidelines of civilization. So, we live in the “lunar kingdom”, i.e. We are characterized by the desire for material wealth and the fear of death, but at the same time we live unreasonably short in terms of the potential of the cell. One is connected with the other and flows from it. So, colotropic training is aimed at achieving the solar guidelines of our consciousness.2. The COLOTROP training uses three practical methods (the entire methodological basis of the training is here): Holotropic Breathing Method, i.e. breathing, exclusively focused on physicality and technically associated with the “art of inhalation” (http://golotrop.ru/iskusstvo-vdoxa/); Method of “Clear Light” Meditation (or in Buddhism “Dzogchen”), or “Morning Meditation”, aimed at awareness, cultivation of “two guardian angels”, serving “forty-day catharsis”, being a “stop across chaos”, etc.; Method of Meditation of the “Great Darkness” (in Buddhism there is an analogue - the “Tonglen” meditation), or “Night Meditation ”, aimed at working with fears, growing bone tissue, cultivating the bodily resource of integrity and harmony, etc.3. COLOTROP training is based theoretically, mainly on the “Model of Three Houses” (the most archaic, shamanic anthropomorphic model), “Method of Sequential Catharsis” (I. Lyuty, Moscow, URAO, 2003) and “Model of Five Fundamental Energies” (similar in Tao U-SIN model). In its development, it dialectically develops trainings and the Method of Holotropic Breathing, therefore it can be called, for convenience and “in the old fashioned way,” “Holotropic Breathing,” or, as a result of development, “COLOTROPIC BREATHING.” However, there is also a common “universal” name for all my trainings (author Igor Lyuty), which were, are and will be - “Breathing - Work of the Spirit”. Based on the above provisions, the dualistic goal of COLOTROPE stands out: the reversal of primary FEAR and the expression of true JOY .So, breathe COLOTRONICALLY, “... And may the Breath be with you!” With respect! – Igor Lyuty, January 2016. ps The two goals of KOLOTROPA are associated with two meditations, this can be understood already by the names of the meditations and goals. BUT what is IMPORTANT: the breathing process itself in COLOTROPE began to serve these two goals even more, and moved even further away from traditional psychodynamic groups. And in the future, my holotropic trainings will become more and more colotropic. I leave group psychodynamics for on-site trainings in the mountains, etc..