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How to spend your time if you find yourself in a quarantine zone? Of course, with benefit, here are the options (as many as 15) that I gave myself for this case. In general, any planning reduces anxiety, which is simply necessary now, because panic does not carry with it any constructiveness.1. I will learn to cook, my husband of course laughed about this topic, that I would find much more interesting and important activities for myself, but there is such a thought; 2. Write articles, prepare webinars and new projects;3. Conduct online consultations, live broadcasts, so in my case the working mode will be maintained. In general, now is a great time to start mastering online work;4. Play sports, and why not, fortunately there are plenty of videos now;5. Read a lot, lying under a warm blanket, drinking delicious herbal tea;6. Rewatching your favorite films and TV series may be somewhat useless, but it’s nice;7. Engage in creativity with your daughter, and in general there will be an opportunity for greater interaction in the family;8. Sleep a lot, and generally don’t rush anywhere;9. Perform facial and body care procedures;10. Take online training and various courses, by the way, on 25 I’m starting an excellent transformation course for women (which will help you better know yourself, understand and unlock your potential), for details on Instagram *, below will be a link to my page; 11. Mastering the Kama Sutra is just a great time to add variety to your sexual life and pay increased attention to it;12. Get creative, draw, sculpt, sew, whatever you want;13. Clean up, throw away unnecessary things; 14. Communicate with loved ones, telephone, Skype are here to help; 15. Start learning/improving a foreign language. If anyone has any other ideas, I’ll be glad if you share). Learn to find benefit in everything, no matter what happens to you - this is an extremely useful and productive skill. Links to my social networks, where by subscribing you can get acquainted with useful and exciting information: https://vk.com/psiholog.zelinaINSTGR_LINK* Instagram belongs to the company Meta, which is recognized as an extremist organization in Russia.