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From the author: Thoughts out loud. Based on articles by colleagues. Plagiarism, theft, rewriting. These words appear more and more often on the website. They steal thoughts, they steal ideas, themes... they steal everything. And if the theft of authorship, when the original article is simply published on another resource under a different name, really looks like robbery in broad daylight, then everything else attributed to “unclean” writers raises a lot of questions in me. From the article on b17: Of course, rewriting never refers to the author whose text formed the basis of this presentation, but is presented as “his” invention. I thought that when it comes to inventions and discoveries based on deep scientific research, then yes, copyrights are registered and inventions are patented. Publications in scientific journals, with an analysis of the literature used, indicating all those scientists who worked on this problem, are also difficult to place in the same journals under a different name, simply retelling the content. Popular psychology/literature/journalism is another matter. Here the number of topics is finite and has long been indicated. In psychology, these are: the unconscious, trauma, symptom, personal adaptations and disorders, script, child-parent/family/partnership relationships, separation, boundaries, feelings in all their manifestations/non-manifestations and proposed ways to cope effectively (learning to experience pain, making relationships more constructive, self-aware, and life happier). Well, and techniques used by psychologists of different directions. Well, that's all. Maybe I missed something, but I think I mentioned the main thing. The rest are variations on themes. The same is true in writing. All the main themes/genres of modern literature have been known since Hamlet. Nothing new has appeared in this regard since then. But this did not prevent the birth of immortal creations that became masterpieces of world classics. And I think it would never even occur to anyone to accuse their authors of plagiarism. Although no, what am I talking about. Throughout the history of world literature, even the greats have been accused of plagiarism - Voltaire, Stendhal, Emile Zola, Honore de Balzac, Mikhail Sholokhov, Tatyana Tolstaya, Boris Akunin and many others. And, perhaps, without plagiarism, many significant works of art would not have been born. Alexandre Dumas responded most convincingly to the accusations: “Everything that exists in this world is plagiarism. Even God created Adam in his own image and likeness.” I don’t know whether these words really belong to him or they were attributed to him, as is also often the case (a bastard quote is the opposite of plagiarism)). But it is difficult to object to the above argument. By the way, as for “Hamlet”. Its author is the absolute leader in accusations of plagiarism. Shakespeare did not invent the plots of his most popular masterpieces himself. At the same time, he never denied the fact of using other people's works. So what makes a work unique if not the theme and content? Probably something that cannot be stolen or counterfeited? Author's style, for example? Although, of course, history knows a sufficient number of fakes of style too. In literature, painting, music. But if a fake is of high quality, not every expert will be able to determine this immediately. If it is handicraft, then it catches the eye even to the inexperienced. In other words, only a master can fake the work of a master. But why should a master copy one of his contemporaries, if he is a master and can create something of his own, unique and inimitable. Question. And why are homemade fakes so annoying, which can only highlight the original article more clearly? Also a question. At the risk of sounding like a bore, I can’t help but share an observation. I noticed more than once how just a few years ago, when on the same day two articles in a row were published on the site on the same topic and even with similar content, the authors talked about synchronicity, the collective unconscious and rejoiced at the fact that on b17 there is such psychological field. Has something changed in the Kingdom of Denmark? Why so much theft? Perhaps rewriting as a phenomenon is gaining momentum. Andmaybe everything is simpler? And “if some thought came to your mind, this does not mean that you are its author”?...And even if you are the author. There are cases in the scientific world when the same discovery was made by different people at the same time in different parts of the world. It happens. American sociologist Robert King Merton calls this phenomenon multiples. In Russian - multiple discoveries: “Sometimes discoveries occur simultaneously or almost simultaneously; sometimes scientists make discoveries without knowing that others have already made them years ago.” I remembered an incident. Once, a couple of years ago, I read an article that caused a great resonance. It was dedicated to women who are in favor and who want to get married. And there was so much pain and indignation in it and in the comments that few people were left indifferent. It was about how a famous sexologist was offended in his opinion, I’m not just not a format, but it completely sucks About webinars posted in the public domain. Where they call women only models Promotion of a male cult, about the circulation of elderly famous personalities arm in arm with models, about Barbie dolls, about the media, which inspires that everything that differs from 90-60-90 is g..but. This completely kills a woman’s self-esteem...how long can you tolerate it? Why isn’t anyone outraged by this? Listen to what our psychology “gurus” say about women: Labkovsky, Poleev, Rakov, and others like them. What do they call women over 25 years old and whose appearance differs from the model parameters? How do they form the opinion that a man is a groom at 70, and a woman at 35 is not the format. Hence the position of victim in many girls. Society is “chmorous”: “Who needs you at your age, with your extra pounds, with your children?” Based on the discussions, I then wanted to write my own article, but I never progressed beyond a couple of thoughts in the draft. Thoughts that, of course, there is a lot of injustice in the world, no matter how much we would like to believe the opposite and fight for our faith. Perhaps even that there is no justice common to all. After all, the justice of the hare will never be equal to the justice of the wolf. At the same time, I think there is justice of a different order, which is greater than our particular injustices. Which is above them. Justice, according to which both wolves and hares exist in nature. And of course, calling women/men/old people/children/others “suck” is, in my opinion, unacceptable and unacceptable. Neither for those who “scoff” anyone, nor for those who scoff at those who scoff. And, of course, it can be very sad and bitter to hear at the age of “not sixteen” that a man is a groom at 70 years old, while the bride’s life is much shorter. And this may seem unfair and unfair. But the truth is that a woman of childbearing age who is able to conceive, bear, give birth to healthy offspring and have time to raise them will always be more sexually attractive to men of all ages. And this is another kind of justice. This is the law of nature, whether we like it or not. It does not at all contradict other laws, according to which a woman’s attractiveness and her chances of getting married or creating a relationship do not depend directly on age, but have a more complex formula for success. But that's a completely different story. And this formula may not seem fair to everyone either. And our story has a continuation. Not long ago I went to b17 and, to my surprise and joy, I saw the headline “Life is not fair!” Surprisingly, because the author is the same as two years ago. Fortunately - because the article with a completely different message is very responsive, and the inner lazy person is also rejoicing in the fact that he doesn’t have to sweat over his own publication and has one less draft. After all, the main points of the draft that I once wanted to convey were perfectly conveyed by a colleague: Life is unfair! If you accept this fact, don’t research, don’t rack your brain, looking for answers that you still can’t find, it will immediately become much easier! you don’t want to look for answers to children’s questions starting with the word “Why”: - Why was someone born and lives in! :)