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There are stories in counseling that touch the heart and want to be shared with readers. What if it comes in handy for someone and the person draws conclusions before he messes things up in his own life. And so, a fairy tale was born to me. After all, a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows and girls... So... Once upon a time there lived a sweet girl, whose heart was soft and tender, like a warm summer morning. She wore beautiful dresses and loved flowers. In the forest where she liked to walk, there lived a wolf. He was handsome, but his heart was full of anger and great wounds. They met. And despite the alarm bells in his behavior, she decided to connect her life with the wolf, believing in the power of her love and hoping to heal him. At first, everything looked optimistic. But over time, the wolf began to show his teeth to the girl. He was increasingly out of sorts, and out of anger and irritation he bit and offended her. But the girl did not give up. She bandaged wounds and made her lips smile. She believed that there is goodness in every creature, and she decided that she would certainly melt the wolf's icy heart with her love. She remained cheerful, despite the pain from the bleeding wounds and consoled herself with the thought that the wolf was simply feeling bad and needed help. However, with every bite of the wolf, with every obscene message, with every story of humiliation, there were more and more wounds in the girl’s soul and more and more Horror, despondency and hopelessness flooded in more often. But she continued to swallow the abuse, expecting that her devoted care would melt the wolf’s heart, and one fine day the wolf would turn into a lamb and become her faithful friend. But time passed, and the wolf did not change. The girl was losing her self-esteem, health and joy. Wrinkles of sadness and dark circles under her eyes appeared on her face. She began to suffer from bleeding, but continued to try to save the wolf from his own malice. She waited for changes, but they never came. One day the girl had a dream. She walked through the forest to her house and saw that it was dilapidated and old. A decrepit old woman met her on the threshold. The girl was surprised and asked: “Who are you, grandmother?” The old woman replied: “I am you, in the future.” You were waiting for the wolf to change and you would have a wonderful life, children would appear, joy and peace would settle in the house, but this morning the wolf died of old age, and you have nothing more to wait for. Come in, I’m your future now.” The girl froze in horror. She wanted to scream, but could not; run away, but her legs in her dream did not obey her. “Isn’t there anything that can be fixed?” - naughty lips barely moved. “It’s possible. There is one secret,” the old woman said and handed the girl an envelope. “Open it when you wake up.” The girl grabbed the envelope and woke up in a cold sweat. What will happen next, dear reader. How will this fairy tale end? What sequel to this fairy tale would you write? I will be glad to receive feedback and comments! If you are tired of struggling with difficulties alone, I will be glad to help you! Sign up for a consultation via WhatsApp +420 774296000. Your psychologist, consultant, EOT specialist. Obolentseva Gulya