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Old age is only a partially normal physiological process, and most of it is supplemented by various pathological phenomena. At the same time, the human body changes not for the better: it becomes decrepit, wrinkled, and gets sick. At first glance, it seems that this is an objective process that does not depend on the psyche. But why then do some people at 60-70 years old look forty-five, while others at 45 seem like elderly people? The fact is that absolutely all processes in the body are under the control of the central nervous system, which creates a certain scenario of age-related changes in accordance with a person’s ideas, traditions and expectations. If a given person believes that after 60 years people walk with a hunched and shuffling gait, if he considers it shameful and awkward to have sex in retirement, if it seems to a person that life is already ending, then this is exactly the scenario that his psyche realizes, which has a corresponding impact on body. If a person is sure that he can live an active, eventful life, be cheerful, cheerful and active at any age, then the aging process of his body will proceed much more slowly, and he will look 10-20 years younger than his peers , sticking to the previous scenario. So, the first thing you need to do in order to preserve youth for a long time is to create an appropriate scenario (or, in computer language, a program for preserving youth and health). The second condition for a long and fruitful life is correct behavior (nutrition, breathing, movement, etc.). d.).The third condition is neutralization of stress. This is a very important factor in longevity, because it is small, everyday and almost imperceptible stresses that most likely age a person. The influence of the human psyche on all life processes in his body is a fact established both in scientific laboratories and by individual enthusiasts of various health systems. Over millions of years of evolution, nature has come up with a wise and practical mechanism for improving living beings. If an animal or person often experiences negative emotions: fear, anxiety, anxiety, depression, it means that this organism could not fully adapt to its environment, and, therefore, must leave to make way for others, more fortunate and adapted brothers. Accordingly, in an individual whose brain is filled with negative emotions, mechanisms of self-destruction are activated, ranging from decreased immunity to an increased frequency of mutations and the occurrence of cancerous tumors. If the body experiences mainly positive emotions, then it receives additional chances of survival. Vital tone increases, immunity is strengthened, reparation systems are additionally activated to correct genetic errors - in general, such an organism can live and reproduce for a long time, passing on its genes to its descendants. Scientific research shows that optimism and positive thinking contribute to life extension no less than external circumstances. Objective statistical data convincingly prove that job satisfaction, as well as a good-natured, calm character, reliably lengthen life expectancy. Man is not so much a biological, but in many ways a psychological being, who is often influenced by thoughts more than reality. Both saints and swindlers base their healings on this property of a person. If a person believes in his recovery, then the disease will recede; if he believes in his imminent death, he will die. Our psyche programs our life expectancy in the same way. Previously, it was believed that a person lives for about 70 years - and people died at that age. Now the line of death has been pushed back by 80 years, and in some countries by 85. Accordingly, in Japan or Switzerland people live about that long. What if all people firmly believed that a person should live 120 or 150 years? It is possible that such a comprehensive faith could actually lengthen the duration of human existence. It should be noted that: