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Why is it extremely useful to keep notes? A diary is a notebook for every day, it is our faithful friend and a container of anxious thoughts. Without a doubt, the freewriting technique has a therapeutic effect. Write without hesitation, these manuscripts are not for publication. Thoughts. Every single day a person runs through a million thoughts in his head. And at this time he “solves” a lot of issues. Only they, of course, do not dare... Speech. In the process of speaking, the volume of thoughts decreases significantly. It is impossible to physically voice everything; some of them are simply lost. Constructive dialogue is the key to health, not only physical, but also mental. Letter. If you are in a situation of loneliness, have no one to share with, but there is a need, then the free writing technique is what you need! This is an accessible tool for catching thoughts and simultaneously materializing them on a medium, on paper. At first, this process will seem unusual and even strange. But don’t stop, continue to improve your new emerging skill. Take a pen and paper and start writing everything that comes to mind. This is an unconscious stream of thoughts, surrender to it, throw it out. As a rule, the timing is set to 15 minutes. It is better to take notes, of course, on paper. But you can also use the phone (where would you be without it...). And you know, it’s not at all necessary to re-read what you’ve written. The point is not at all what the text itself is about. It’s not a matter of narrative. In the process of mechanical writing, a natural process of liberation occurs: unprocessed emotions, worries, doubts, anxious thoughts and experiences are poured out into the outside (on paper). This is the so-called process of exteriorization. Exteriorization is the transformation of mental action into external physical action. Some people, even without reading, prefer to burn these notes demonstratively. Watching the fire consume the expelled negativity. But I don’t insist on such radicalism) They wrote it, closed it, hid it away until next time. Benefits: breaks fears into component parts; reduces anxiety; promotes the safe release of negative emotions; develops the skill of careful contact with your feelings; helps to find new resources, meanings, ideas; returns inspiration; trains self-discipline; brings out secret desires and fantasies. Are you familiar with this technology? Do you use it? Helps?