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From the author: publication in articles on the author’s website We often get nervous, standing in traffic jams, being late for meetings or important meetings. Then the clock in your head begins to tick ominously, and apart from it you can no longer hear anything. The most unpleasant thing is that even after work, this clock continues to tick by inertia - “if you don’t have time, you’ll be late, if you don’t sow, you won’t reap.” How to stop this ticking? What is the Time of Change. Have you ever wondered: - How to slow down the passage of time? Why does Time run faster and faster? Before you know it, you’re already 35. And then some kind of cosmic accelerator turns on. I want to get into a time machine, press a button and-and... bang! You're 21 again. Imagine this happening. What would you change in life? Which direction could she take? Or maybe it's not too late? Is it possible to radically change something in your life? Turn the mechanism of Fate, and the machine will go in a different, bright and wide path. But it’s scary, isn’t it? What's on the new road? You can't roll back. There will be no second attempt. Will there be enough time to reach the end? People are afraid of change because they are afraid for the future. The unknown is scary. The danger of loss is frightening. And this fear is stronger than the joy of anticipation of the acquisition. Good for those who have nothing to lose. Such people are capable of much. If they are united by some common idea, then this is a huge force. The power of change. The power of revolution. Therefore, such associations are always under close supervision by the state. Generally speaking, all changes begin when they are vitally necessary, ripe, so to speak. Or you can say “The time has come.” If you feel this, then everything in life is going “as it should.” Time changes everything, changes happen as if by themselves. If there is no such feeling of “timeliness,” endless tossing, solving dilemmas, anxiety and dissatisfaction begin. One way to get rid of these “difficulties of choice” is to simply give up on everything and leave everything to Providence. This is the EASIEST way. Moreover, in 99 cases out of 100 he is the most faithful. Because always, in any case, each solution option will have pros and cons. Worry, fear and anxiety always add minuses. Therefore, relax, let the decision come automatically, and everything will resolve itself. But the decision in any case will come from you. What does it mean to manage Time? Imagining what time the clock is showing at the moment does not mean feeling Time. It's just to feel the speed of his running. At the same time, you may not own Time. Quite the contrary, Time can control you. We are always afraid of not being able to do something, we are in a hurry, chasing the ghostly bird of Happiness. We get nervous when stuck in traffic jams, we are late for meetings or important meetings. Then the clock in your head begins to tick ominously, and apart from it you can no longer hear anything. If this happens, then the best thing to do is to simply stop worrying about being late and not think about its negative consequences. But it’s unrealistic to just force yourself not to think about something. It is necessary to replace these thoughts with others. Think about what is most important to you at this time. Then something useful may be born in your head, some rational decision, a fresh idea - something that will make other people not attach importance to your lateness. And it is even quite likely that there will be no delay at all. This Time will thank you for your endurance. How to learn to feel Time. “Stop, just a moment, you are wonderful!” says Faust in the words of Goethe. You can ask yourself the question: “What prevents me from enjoying the Moments of Life, what do I lack for this?” Maybe there is no feeling of this very moment? Try to stop the moments. This will give you the opportunity to feel Time. First, try doing this: Go to the window or go out onto the balcony. Open the window slightly to hear the sounds of the street. Close your eyes for 1 minute. Listen to the sounds of the city. Imagine what is happening on the street. Just stand there and.