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The next meta-program that will help us conduct a professional personality analysis on social networks is the “Comparison Focus”. If you suddenly forgot, let me remind you that meta-programs are the basic habits of people’s thinking, which are very rarely realized by them, but at the same time have a significant impact on their behavior, values, personal qualities and lifestyle. The “comparison focus” meta-program describes the main methods of comparison new or already existing information, that is, what a person is used to paying attention to: similarities or differences. It has three poles: similarity / similarity with difference / differences, which we will analyze in detail today. SIMILARITY A person with the SIMILARITY metaprogram pole, when comparing several pieces of information (experience, preferences, choices, decisions, etc.), is usually accustomed to focusing on the similarities between them. They are more likely to say: “this resort is incredibly similar to our last year’s vacation” - and not It is important that last time we vacationed in Turkey, and now we went to Kamchatka. Such people do not like change and prefer to rely on known experience and verified information. They feel comfortable when everything in the world is stable, calm and the same. When making decisions, they will rely on the desire to keep everything as it is and, if possible, to remain in their “comfort zone”. Changes, new responsibilities and personal responsibility will be a great stress for them. Their values ​​and criteria: traditions, safety, comfort, reliability, calm, order. They have such qualities as: conservatism, efficiency, punctuality, discipline. They prefer consistency and stability in their work; they can work in one place for many years. A profession is always chosen to meet the above criteria and values. DIFFERENCESHere, on the contrary, preference will always be given to either new information or information that differs from the known. These people cannot stand routine and strive to look for something new, exceptional, revolutionary. They are supporters of change and they are very comfortable living in a rapidly changing world. If we take as an example the example described above about travel, then here you will most likely hear: “nowadays Turkey is different from last time: in climate, environment, people, etc. “The decision may be influenced by: the desire to gain new experience, work, impressions and the reluctance to be like everyone else. Monotony and constancy are a demotivating factor. It is very important that life contains: excitement, originality, spontaneity, novelty, inspiration, drive. These are very active, cheerful, creative people. They also have such qualities as: independence, ambition, courage, creativity, restlessness. They can often change their environment, hobbies, and activities. They rarely stay in one place for more than 3 years. The choice of profession is also chosen based on values ​​and character traits. It will most likely be an entrepreneurial, creative or entertainment area. SIMILARITIES/DIFFERENCES This way of thinking is more harmonious compared to the above two. Such people will complement old and familiar information with new information, using it equally. They have flexible thinking and in a conversation such a person can first pay attention to the similarities and then to the differences, making this information more complete. They are comfortable living in a gradually changing world , where continuous development can be calmly combined with the preservation of existing experience. Decisions are made through the analysis of previous experience, and taking into account the current situation. Be sure to take into account personal goals, as well as such personal guidelines as: money, authority, control, practicality, rationality, ambition, pleasure, etc. The time of stability is from 3-7 years. People with such a metaprogram pole can feel comfortable in any field of activity, so here it is worth taking into account the entire complex of metaprograms in order to make personality analysis more accurate. But also according to tradition, in the next post we will discuss with you what you should pay attention to