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RESPONSIBILITY AND HOW YOU DO NOT WANT TO TAKE IT... Friends, I am writing about responsibility, more precisely about those shades of it that many skillfully camouflage, do not notice, and sometimes sincerely do not realize that they have behaved poorly. So remember, almost everyone has stories behind them, situations where we received something, were taken care of, were shown special treatment, etc., and we gladly accepted it, took advantage of it and sincerely believed that the words of thank you would be enough, that is, the need of another to earn money, to receive something in return was ignored (do not include imposition and coercion, cunning here), such things must be immediately firmly cut down, stopped, stopped, without giving a hint of interest and possible implementation. Or, when in any kind of interaction, a person pursued only his own benefit, benefit, interest, without thinking at all about how the other person would deal with this. Often, justifying his cunning, cowardice by the fact that the other himself is to blame, he himself is a fool, he himself did not think through, he himself was stupid, he himself did not look through, did not check, the individual shrugs off responsibility for complicity, for complicity, for what he knew, saw, understood and condoned! Friends, of course, everyone is responsible for their own well-being, I do not urge you to sacrifice yourself, give up everything for the sake of another, save, help without asking, help out. I want you to notice your not very pleasant feature of taking advantage of the naivety, ignorance, and inability of others; it is very useful to realize, acknowledge, and take responsibility for such manifestations. So as not to be tormented by guilt and not to run into coldness, detachment, disappointment, and anger from another. Where a huge amount of effort is spent on whitewashing oneself, on inventions and excuses, on throwing responsibility onto anyone, just so as not to end up in an unsightly light and not to touch repentance. But alas, you won’t lie to yourself, and no matter how you squirm, the feeling of guilt for what you’ve done or what you’ve been involved in won’t let go, and very soon the person himself finds himself in the symmetrically unpleasant position of his opponent and begins to lament how it was possible to treat him inhumanely, dishonestly. Friends, the best way to heal is to start with yourself, but alas, without professional help, it is extremely difficult to understand that unpleasant mirrors in the faces of other people are shown to us, for this reason, do not delay, look for your professional, in order not to waste your energy and resources on covering tracks, and getting out of the next difficulties, but on creativity, sincerity and humanity, which will return a hundredfold!