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From the author: I invite you to a new level of life. A conscious, free and bright life. After all, true freedom is not doing whatever you want. True freedom is to do everything that we really need, no matter how we feel about it. “...Discipline is freedom in action. Consequently, this is not at all the antithesis of freedom, it is itself, but if simply freedom is a kind of abstraction, then discipline condenses it for a specific action. This means that discipline is a concentrated, goal-oriented freedom. You are used to a different idea of ​​discipline. Until this day, for you it meant obedience. Order condition. Norms of social behavior. And how is the apotheosis of this: “one step to the left, one step to the right - we shoot!” This is the discipline of a slave. There is not even a spirit of freedom in it. Because in this case, a person is a means to achieve someone’s goals. Moreover, he may not realize this; not to understand that some puppeteer is pulling his strings. For the homeland, for the team, for the family, for the Cause, he squeezes into his tight cell - and is still proud of his role. He is proud that he is a cog!.. A cog cannot have a purpose - it only performs a function. The goal is created by the person himself. Because the goal is himself, this person, only at a new, higher level to which he rises (to himself) by solving problems. (Igor Akimov, Victor Klimenko “About the boy who knew how to fly, or the PATH TO FREEDOM”) Most people are not aware of themselves: they have an EGO, but do not have their own “I”, do not identify themselves as the “control center” from which the meaning, intention and volitional effort. People are engaged in activities for the sake of pleasure and maintaining the image of the role they perform. People invest in developing their image and do nothing to activate their authentic self. People don't understand themselves, they deceive themselves. People are accustomed to understanding the concept of “will” as the ability to restrain oneself, and this distances a person from developing willpower. Willpower is a person’s ability to act from the center of his true “I”. This is an effort that is aimed at action and creation, and not against oneself. Will is what, in the absence of direct motivation, determines a person’s persistence in achieving a goal. It helps to overcome resistance when a person moves towards a goal. This is the conscious control of one’s own thoughts, feelings, desires, and behavior. Volitional behavior in its developed form is always based on a consciously set goal and does not deviate from it under the influence of emerging circumstances. This behavior is especially necessary when the motives driving action are weak or there are competing motives (go for a run or watch an interesting movie while enjoying cookies and hot chocolate). In weak-willed actions, the goal changes often and irresistibly, while volitional actions are purposeful and consistent. So , I invite people who want to change themselves and, accordingly, the quality of their life. Those who are mired in a whirlpool of affairs, who are constantly in a hurry and do not have time, who often say “tomorrow”, “later”, “later”, “from Monday”. I invite those who have not experienced pleasure and satisfaction from the result for a long time walked stubbornly. I walked, overcoming resistance and the desire to give up everything, without ever reaching the finish line. I invite those who lead a lifestyle that brings bitter fruits in the form of excess weight or dark circles under the eyes. I invite perfectionists, all those who give up in advance, knowing that they still won’t achieve the ideal result. I invite all those who are ready to grow and develop. It’s easier to cope together. Together - we are force! How to take responsibility for your life? How to break out of the web of “sleeping consciousness”? How to stop putting off until tomorrow? How to motivate yourself? How to learn to manage yourself? How to gain freedom to do what you plan? What does conscious life mean? If a person is weak-willed, it’s forever ?How to direct your efforts to achieve a goal, learn to stop involuntary impulses, 30%.