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I’ll name the client – ​​A. I’m publishing with the client’s permission. Session August 17, 2016 (All recordings - Notes. Recorded after the event). In the last session (quick session the day before yesterday) there was an image: A. is a caveman, Mammoths are running nearby. The person is scared because... There was a case when a mammoth stepped on a person. It is unknown who the deceased person is. I (MC) want to work on the image of the Mammoth. Because I assume that this archetype is associated with the role of the Father. (I don’t say this out loud to A. so that the image will reveal itself more naturally during the session). Session.MC: Imagine a landscape in which there is a Mammoth. A: I am a warrior in chain mail. Mammoths in the distance. They are being driven into a burning forest. MC: What do you feel like they are being driven into the fire. A: Hopelessness. MC: Desires? To save or, vice versa? A: There are no special feelings of pity, or vice versa. (I (MC) did not remember the exact formulation of the client’s feelings).MC: Remember a memory from childhood with the same feelings. A: I am less than 10 years old. Night. Dad is crying because... They had a fight with Mom, and He is going to leave the family. I approach Him. MC: What are your feelings? A: I feel sorry for Him. Feel sorry for yourself. Feeling of hopelessness. A feeling of injustice. I want to help Him. MCH: Another new image with these feelings? A: A memory. They told me: I’m in a stroller on the balcony, and Mom is doing repairs. A feeling of abandonment. In general, there was no warmth in the house. Everything is on display. MCH: The feeling of a child in a stroller? A: Abandonment. Injustice. Why was I born... in this family!? MC: Why was I born at all? Or why was I born in this family? A: In this family. MC: Adult, come into character and help Baby. A: I am in character babysitting Baby. MC: How does Baby feel? A: Security! Calmness. MC: Feel how the Baby’s heart beats.... how your heart beats... this is one common heart.... A: Calmness... MC: Return to the image of the Father. What's there? A: I felt protected (!), because... He is still next to Me. (Because when He leaves, it will be harder for me). MC: Stay in this feeling of security... Return to the image of mammoths. What's there? A: They're not there. They may have burned out. Or some ran away....MC: Feelings? A: Calm. Security.MC: Stay and come out.Here. It became new to Me that the Client received the resource of Protection by the Father from a scene where before there were feelings of pity and a desire to help the Father. My assumption was confirmed that the image of the Mammoth in the first image of A. is associated with the attitude towards the Father.